Monday, November 06, 2006

I am going to do this again.

I had a movie review blog type of thing a while ago, but I stopped because it just became too difficult to review every movie that I saw. I would get frustrated because it would just be too hard to write about some of the movies. Moriarty of AICN, an online movie/tv/anime/comic news website, said something about how movie reviews generally write themselves, and some other stuff I can't remember. I find this to be true, if I hate or love a movie, I will be able to write a number of paragraphs about it. Otherwise, if the movie was just meh, ok, good, not that good, then I might not have such an easy time. So with this new incarnation of my movie blog, I will review movies only when it is easy to write about a movie. I won't review every single movie I see, because oftentimes, I don't feel strongly about the movie either way.

For example, I saw Catch a Fire yesterday, starring Derek Luke and Tim Robbins about apartheid/government sanctioned terror squads/freedom fighters etc. This movie fell under the ever growing "Movie that shocks about how terribly white people treat black people in Africa" genre. Other movies in this genre include the Constant Gardener, Last King of Scotland (somewhat), and the soon to be released Blood Diamond. Unlike my girlfriend, I don't mind this genre. Of the three that I have seen that have been released in the past year, I have dug all three, Constant Gardener the most, Scotland the least. Sometimes they can be manipulative, but for the most part, they're incredibly sad and eye opening.

Now I liked Catch a Fire. It had it's moments, a very strong ending, and some interesting subplots. However, it was neither so good or so bad that I could write a long review about it without pissing myself off and taking well over 3 hours getting one finished. So in the future, when I see a movie that leaves me feeling like Catch a Fire did, I will come back here and say "So I saw this movie, and it was good because of this: ......" and that will be all.

I am also going to write about non-movie stuff on occasion.

Next up on my list of movies to see is Borat, which I am probably going to see tonight. Babel is getting released soon, and I really want Little Children to come to Columbus ASAP.


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