Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I saw Borat last night.

I went to see Borat last night. This is one of Sacha Baron Cohen's characters that he played on Da Ali G show. I liked Borat on that show, in small doses. He was hilarious, but after Tom Green and Jackass, there is only so much exploitation of the public I can take. That was the reason I did not plan on seeing Borat only a couple months ago. I figured 84 minutes of what I saw of Borat on the Da Ali G show would not be worth it. It was not until the explosion of good publicity for this movie did I decide that it would be worth seeing.

With that said, Borat is unbelievably hilarious, but not absolutely amazing. It is basically about Borat, who comes to America to film some stuff for the Kazakhs back home, when he discovers Pamela Anderson, who he falls in love with and sets forth to find in LA. Now someone I saw it with thought the movie dragged when it got into these storyline bits outside of the public embarassment parts. However, that is what made this film great in my eyes. I would not have enjoyed it if it were what Jackass and Tom Green were, just funny bits, nothing holding them together. Sure, Borats story is ridiculous and not very original, but it's funny and sincere. And the parts of the movie meant to progress this story are still in and of themselves hilarious.

It eventually got to the point in the movie where I could not take anymore bits involving unsuspecting Americans because that can get old after a while. Luckily by this point, the only bit left was involving Pamela Anderson, and that was amazing. Like I have mentioned a few times already, I am burned out for the rest of my life on what Tom Green and Jackass did, because I watched that shit so much, and I just can't take anymore of it. Borat is infinitely better in that Cohen is smarter, funnier, and there is a point to what he does. It's not pure "being funny". Very much of what he does in this movie shows how insane some Americans are. Still, after a while, I am just cringing at what he is doing because it is embarassing for me to be a part of the same country as the Chi Psi boys or the rodeo fans.

I think Borat set a record for me for most times convulsing uncontrollably with laughter. The Running of the Jew, the naked fight in the hotel, the Pamela Anderson part, the rodeo part... this interspliced with the storyline parts made a complete movie and not a lame attempt at making money off of a funny tv show. I would not have enjoyed it as much if it had just been those bits and nothing more.

So that is that.

I have been playing Final Fantasy 12 lately. I started the FF series on 7, when my friend Sean bought it. That changed my video gaming world, and for the better. It gave me the idea that games could have so much substance. Well I haven't really dug an FF since 7... except for 6, which I got in one of those Anthology packs released after 7. I liked 11, but it was Online. But 8-10 were all meh. 8 was worse than meh.

12 is so much fun thus far. It totally changed the battle system, taking out random battles, and it is more online RPG like now. The story is super so far, graphics are great, and I just dig it hardcore.

That's all for now.


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