Thursday, January 11, 2007

DVD Quick Review- Idiocracy (6 out of 10)

Idiocracy, starring Luke Wilson, is the new Mike Judge movie. He made Office Space. This movie got screwed pretty bad in marketing and release, and was pretty much straight to video.

The basic premise is that Wilson is a military pilot that undergoes a hibernation experiment, only to wake up 500 years later when the experiment is forgotten about. He learns that the world has become unbelievably stupid, and he is now the smartest man on the planet.

I want to keep this quick, so I'll just say that the movie depicts a very scathing look at the future, in which man has become progressively more stupid. Take the dumbest person you know, and dumb them down some more.

The movie starts off great, with that really goofy humor you can only find in Office Space, and with some great jokes about a pimp and a military guy. Then Luke awakes in the future, and for a while, it's funny just seeing how things have changed, and the ways Judge rips on current American culture. However, after a while, the novelty wears off, and the movie definitely becomes a lot less funny. While I was rolling for the first half, I was sitting silently for the latter half, still enjoying the movie, but somewhat disappointed at the turns the plot had taken.

The special effects in this movie are also terrible. I don't care if it's low budget, if you can't afford to make something NOT look like it belongs on Playstation One, don't add it into the movie.

So, I recommend the movie as a cheap rental, it's fun, but it could've been a lot better. There was so much more that could've been done.


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