Sunday, December 24, 2006

Mini DVD Review- Altered

I guess I'll do a small review for a bad movie I just rented.

It is called Altered and it's by the guy that did Blair Witch Project. That's really the only reason I rented it. I wasn't at all expecting a cheesy horror movie, but rather a psychological thriller type. The movie is about a group of guys that kidnap an alien that abducted them and killed on of their friends years before. It's a pretty cool little plot. However, the alien is ridiculous looking, I SWEAR I've seen that same alien in another movie before. The writing is also bad. There is some pretty good gore if that's what you are looking for, and the music is very creepy and well done. Still, it's predictable as any other bad direct to video horror movie. There is one really cool shot at the end of the movie where there are a bunch of aliens climbing the walls of the house the main character lives in, so he blows the house up, and it shows the house blow up, and the camera pulls out to show the spaceship above the house (which was a pretty nice ship) retreat and zoom off into space.

So in conclusion, Altered, while with some pretty neat moments, is a pretty bad movie.


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