Monday, April 16, 2007

24 hour Scifi Marathon at Drexel Gateway

So I attended the 24 hour scifi marathon at the drexel for the first time this year. it was very good. here is a small review package:

The first film was 12 Monkeys, which I own and love. It's just superb. But I had already seen it, so no big deal.

Next we moved into a 1955 movie, King Dinosaur, which was a terrible movie, but was made better by the audience. Basically, a new planet appears in our solar system, and some people go explore it and discover dinosaurs, which are actually iguanas and baby alligators and stuff like that. At the end, they nuke the island the dinosaurs are on, and the best line of the movie is said:
"do you realize what we've done?" "yes... we've brought civilization to Planet Nova."

The Great Yokai War- this is a Takashi Miike movie, and the best way I can describe it as was what I heard from someone else, in that it is like a live action Miyazaki film. It's a pretty good movie and well worth watching.

Puzzlehead- very low key indie film about a man that makes an android in his likeness. if you liked primer or pi, you'll like this one, has that same feel to it. kind of loses steam at the end.

Frankenstein meets the Space Monster- similar to King Dinosaur in it's old B movie-ness and the fact that the audience made it much more watchable... has some hilariously stupid characters in it

fido- this one might give shaun of the dead a run for funniest zombie movie... it's hysterical, best movie of the marathon for me

automatons- .... this is the worst film i have ever seen. that is not an exaggeration either. oh man. let me delve into this further. this movie is filmed in awfully grainy black and white, and the sound mixing is friggin terrible. it has robots in it that are basically like what you would dress up as for halloween, in that they're like cardboard boxes. this movie was made in 2005. Basically, we have two sides at war. angus scrimm from phantasm is in it. i missed the first half hour, and i come in, and angus scrimm is continually giving updates on the war that's happening, and some girl is building robots in her workshop. this continues for thirty minutes, and the guy i was with said it had been like that for the thirty minutes before. then, the girl sends the robots out. Now before, the movie was just bad and boring. now it became another animal entirely. we have a 20 minute robot battle, but replacing the man sized cardboard robots, are miniature gi joe sized robots. and they're firing their little guns, and this is depicted with little circular flashes of lights, and sparklers are being thrown all over. And then, for 90 straight seconds, we see one of the miniatures burn. and then the surviving robots reach the enemy base and kill everyone in the base very slowly and disgustingly for about 10 more minutes. there is a lot of screaming and it's all terrible. then the enemy commander is stabbed through the heart, but she lives long enough to have .... forget it, i hate this movie. i'm not going on anymore, it's the worst movie ever made.

chopping mall- 80s slasher movie using robots, lots of fun... man that automatons review flashback took it out of me, i barely feel like continuing

so i'm going to stop

but i did see star trek: the motion picture and flash gordon which both rocked, and a couple of other 80s movies, lots of good stuff


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