Monday, November 13, 2006

dane cook and movie stuff

It appears opinion on Dane Cook is souring, at least the opinion of anyone not in college. I just read three separate articles (Salon, Slate, Rolling Stone) that were rather anti Dane Cook. My own liking of Dane Cook has diminished greatly since I first discovered him sophomore year of college during my own stand up comedy phase. I think I really began to hate on DC with Employee of the Month. That movie had Harlan Williams, Jessica Simpson, Efren Ramirez, Dax Shepherd, and Andy Dick all in one movie. That is terrible. That is, I think, the worst cast ever produced, and I would be hard up to look through IMDB to find something even worse.

So I understand DC is really maybe trying to break out, so he signed on to Employee, get even bigger, etc etc. But come on... that is embarassing to be in that movie. That's almost sell out material right there.

I also hated his attitude on his tv show on HBO, Tourgasm. He was cocky, and whiny. Having heard Harmful if Swallowed, and then a special on TV, and then Vicious Circle, another HBO show, I think his material is getting less funny and derivative. Is there going to be an evolution? Is it going to constantly be "have you ever noticed..." or "what is with this?" I loved H if S, because it was somewhat geeky, and relevant for someone my age. Now though, mehhh.

What else... I saw a movie called Clean, Shaven. With the comma. It is about a schizophrenic that is looking for his daughter. The movie was made to make you see what it's like being a schizophrenic, what with the paranoid feel to the movie, the music, the eerieness. However, a schizophrenic is not someone I want to look through the eyes of. If there is one illness I woul like to never have anything to do with, it would be Ebola. Schizophrenia is right there though. So, I slept through about a third of this movie. It was just a tough movie to digest.

The OSU/Michigan game is in 5 days. I am going to vomit every hour in anticipation until then.


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