Friday, November 17, 2006

The Blue Man Group

I saw the Blue Man Group last night, Dina had cheap tickets.

For those that are stupid and don't know who the Blue Man Group is (this is unnecessary, since my only reader went with me to the BMG show, so she knows who they are), they are a group of blue humans that are very good at playing drums and PVC pipes. For this show, the theme was how to be a rock megastar, so they were learning how to do that, and we as an audience got to watch.

It was fun, but man, some of those songs that were sung. What the hell? They were really weird, depressing, poorly written songs, I didn't understand. Well, to be honest, I don't really understand the whole Blue Man Group philosophy, don't care to either. They did cover Pink Floyd and The Who though, that was sweet. Though a woman sang Baba O'Riley, and nothing against women, but she did awful.

In 28 hours, The Game will be begin.


At 6:03 AM, Blogger AVAPEARLSMOMMA said...

I saw the Blue Man Group in Las Vegas. As weird as it was...Tim and I really liked it. I don't remember any singing though.... Just alot of intense instrumental music...lots of drums, etc. Did they do the white crepe paper through the audience!!?!?! Very strange!!!

At 9:48 AM, Blogger Debbie & Dan O'Neill said...

Loved Blue Man in Vegas. Very weird, very strange. But totally entertaining!


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